BeebEm for UNIX |
BeebEm 0.0.13 released 12th November 2006:
- Source code updated to Windows version 3.5.
Known problems:
- Keyboard mapping still needs work, and is QWERTY only.
- Fullscreen FPS indicator does not work in lower resolutions.
- When fullscreen/windowed view switches sometimes the GUI isn't repainted. (Press tab a few times).
- Watch out for alert boxes displayed over the GUI, sometimes they don't standout!
BeebEm 0.0.12 released 15th October 2006:
- UEF and CSW tape support ported.
- Support for Brilliant Computing touch screen enabled (untested).
- You can now also create blank disc images via the GUI now.
Known problems:
- Keyboard mapping still needs work, and is QWERTY only.
- Fullscreen FPS indicator does not work in lower resolutions.
- When fullscreen/windowed view switches sometimes the GUI isn't repainted. (Press tab a few times).
- Watch out for alert boxes displayed over the GUI, sometimes they don't standout!
BeebEm 0.0.11 released 28th September 2006:
- Code updated to Windows version 3.3:
- New menu options added to enable/disable Teletext adapter and hard drive emulation.
- Removed ADFS and ATS ROMs from Model-B configuration as they were causing a few problems.
- Improved VIA and interrupt timing and fixed instruction cycle count for branches.
- Added "Eject Disc" buttons to the file menu.
- Added exponential sound volume.
- Code updated to Windows version 3.4:
- Problem of ESC key not always being detected fixed.
- Problem of accessing files when ADFS and DFS discs loaded side by side fixed.
- Minor VIA timing tweak to make Snapper work again.
- Interrupt clearing issue in 8271 disk emulation fixed.
- 'Ignore illegal instructions' tick box added - previously was always set.
- File path is now saved when you click 'Save Configuration'.
- Linux fullscreen toggle crash fixed.
- Source code now compiles correctly with GNU G++ version 4 compilers (tested in SuSE 10.1)!
- Keyboard 'freeze' some people have encountered now fixed!
Known problems:
- Keyboard mapping still needs work, and is QWERTY only.
- Fullscreen FPS indicator does not work in lower resolutions.
BeebEm 0.0.10 (devel snapshot only):
- Code updated to Windows version 3.4.
- Development switched from FreeBSD 6-STABLE to SuSE Linux 10.1
- Compilers switched from gcc and g++ versions 3 to version 4 - NOTHING WORKS :-(
- Fullscreen toggle crash in Linux fixed (Oops)...
- F11 now brings up the menu too...
BeebEm 0.0.9 (devel snapshot only):
- Code updated to Windows version 3.3.
BeebEm 0.0.8 released 6th August 2006:
- GUI improvements/polish.
- Now supports more physical resolutions on the host. (320x256, 320x240, 640x512, 640x480.)
- Can now emulate Windows MFC message boxes.
- FDC GUI eliments now completed.
- Fullscreen toggle is no longer X11 dependant (but is untested for anything else - feedback welcome).
Known problems:
- Keyboard mapping still needs work, and is QWERTY only.
- Fullscreen FPS indicator does not work in lower resolutions.
- Beware, SDL still sometimes crashes when shown fullscreen in X11...
BeebEm 0.0.7 - "File Selector Patch" - 6th June 2006:
Just a quick change to make the GTK File Selector remember where you've been!
BeebEm 0.0.7 released 4th June 2006:
- Econet support (untested).
- Better timing support.
- Support for $HOME/.beebem.
- Support for SASI/SCSI in "$HOME/.beebem".
- Support for roms folder in "$HOME/.beebem" (not automated, you must copy the directory).
- Makefile updated, make uninstall added (so you can install as root - at own risk).
Known problems:
- Keyboard mapping still needs work, and is QWERTY only.
- Mouse coordinates are sometimes reversed.
- WARNING: If mouse cursor is hidden, it sometimes does not return on exit! I'm investigating this.
BeebEm 0.0.6 released 14th May 2006:
- LEDs added.
- AMX support added.
- Integra-B and B Plus now work.
- SCSI support now works (must be installed as user and not root for now).
- Can toggle 6502 undocumented instructions option.
- Speech support code ported (currently untested).
- Options toggled in the 0.0.4 patches now selectable from the Screen menu.
- You can now hide the mouse cursor (sadily at your own risk for now).
- Now can store user configuration in ~/.beebem.
- Better timing support.
- Caps Lock now works better on X11.
- ROM writes menu enabled.
- I86 support added.
- Acorn Z80 support added.
- Can now display FPS when fullscreened.
- Screen is no longer rendered when minimised.
- All remaining sound options now enabled.
- Break key now works!
- Other FDCs now work (menu is a work in progress).
- Mono, green and amber monitors added.
- About option now works.
Known problems:
- Keyboard mapping still needs work, and is QWERTY only.
- Still cannot uninstall, makefile still needs work.
- Mouse coordinates are sometimes reversed.
- In Teletext mode, LEDs vanishes when fullscreened in CRT mode.
- Still do not recommend installing as root (SCSI disks still in
shared/beebem and not copied locally for the user).
- WARNING: If mouse cursor is hidden, it sometimes does not return on
exit! I'm investigating this.
BeebEm 0.0.5 (unreleased):
Code updated to Windows version 3.2.
BeebEm 0.0.4 released 25th March 2006:
- Now has a simple GUI.
- Can toggle between fullscreen and windowed mode (X11 only).
- Can now Load and Save states.
- Supports loading/running disc images using a GTK file selector.
- Command line options are now the same as the Windows version.
Known problems:
- Menu sometimes now removed incorrectly when emulation restarts.
BeebEm 0.0.3 (unreleased):
Code updated to Windows version 3.11.
BeebEm 0.0.2 (unreleased):
Code updated to Windows version 3.1.
BeebEm 0.0.1 released 16th November 2005:
- Makefile switched to GNU Auto-Tools.
- The shift key problem has been fixed.
- Fullscreen and Master 128 mode command line options added.
Known problems:
- Caps lock does not work very well in X11, have mapped to Windows menu
key too for games.